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You’ll go home with a cornucopia of stencil techniques and a

In addition to a special pre game ceremony, Pats fans will have a chance to skate on the pink ice following the game. DePaul coach Oliver Purnell was watching tape of a younger Brandon Young in his office Wednesday. The difference from when Young arrived four years ago to now is stark, Purnell said. “He was thin, a little wilder,” Purnell said.

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Description: this class you’ll be creating fabulous stenciled papers and then binding them into a simple pamphlet style art journal you can take home and put to good use. Julie Fei Fan Balzer will share all of her favorite techniques for mixing colors and layering stencils to create wonderfully unique papers. You’ll go home with a cornucopia of stencil techniques and a brand new mini art journal!.

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