The Blog

They teased at every opportunity

A Murder Mystery

moncler mens jackets May 1975When Bob, the manager of a local restaurant, disappeared without a trace, word of his departure spread like fire through the small beachside community. The moncler jackets mens remaining restaurant staff who’d survived other management changes had a good idea what would follow cheap moncler in the wake of his absence. Tension was high with employees concerned by the news of moncler outlets usa the missing manager.

moncler sale outlet Options moncler outlet usa were few and competition was tough for jobs, mostly found in the only two banks and small businesses in town or in the multitude of restaurants and lounges catering to the tourism trade.

Joe, the Official Moncler Outlet Pub’s bookkeeper, had been hired only months before having given up her teller’s job at the bank. With rumors flying about missing cash and embezzlement, she had second thoughts about the day she’d decided to take the job.

cheap moncler sale Bob had been relentless in his pursuit of the new bookkeeper. Day after day waiting patiently in her teller line, moncler jackets outlet online he ignored the invitations from other tellers that beckoned from behind glass partitions. Standing firm, he clutched the bulging cheap moncler jackets wholesale deposit bag while whistling tunelessly and waiting. Joe’s coworkers on the teller line winked knowingly and passed looks between them as she counted down the towering stacks of The Pub’s daily cash receipts.

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“I think he has the hots for you,” another whispered as they set their cash moncler coats for kids drawers into place and tidied up the racks of ink stamps in their cages.

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buy moncler jackets “You just need to find the right guy and settle down,” they reminded her frequently.

moncler outlet store One morning after the doors of the lobby opened for business, Bob stood at Joe’s teller window, as usual, while she counted the bundles of cash from his deposit. As she slapped down the last moncler outlets uk twenty dollar bill Bob leaned closer to the glass and whispered.

“How’d you like to get moncler coats sale a free lunch every day, Joe?” His breath in the chilly air left a foggy circle on her teller window.

moncler sale “There’s no such thing as a free lunch, Bob,” she answered. She made a check mark on the deposit slip where it indicated the cash amount. She passed the moncler outlet canada receipt out through the rounded opening below the glass. “What’s the catch?” she asked.

moncler outlet online moncler jackets men “There’s no catch,” he said. “My bookkeeper quit and left town.” He waited for Joe’s reaction before continuing. She kept moncler jackets canada her hands busy straightening the cash in her drawer, unfolding the corners and aligning the edges of the bills. He continued. “The pay is good.” She looked up with an unspoken question on her face.

“It has to moncler outlett be better than here,” he indicated the lobby with a toss of his head. She glanced down the teller line at two of her coworkers whispering behind hands held close to their mouths.

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“Be there around five and wear something nice. You’ll be moncler jacket outlet meeting the moncler coats partners who own the place.”

“Wait a minute,” she said. “How many bosses would there be?”

The opportunity came at the perfect time for Joe. With two mortgages on her house and a staggering overhead, she reassured herself it couldn’t hurt to look elsewhere. She might miss the banker’s hours that allowed tellers to leave early when their drawers balanced at the end of the day. They only had to stay late if someone was off. Then, they all stayed to review the day’s transactions moncler outlet location and find the error.

moncler outlet That day, she hoped all would go well so she discount moncler outlet would have time to go home and change clothes. It did.

She drove moncler outlet mall home and took her second shower of the day. She chose a suitable outfit and slipped into a pair of heels she would never wear to the bank. She grimaced at the thought of standing in them all day.

“Besides, I don’t need any moncler jackets toronto more grief from the other tellers,” she told herself moncler outlet shifting her car into reverse. She tried to imagine moncler jackets outlet a job where she could actually sit down most of the day with an added bonus of having her womens moncler jackets own private office.

She arrived promptly at five. Bob introduced her to Dick, the local owner and Operations Manager. Ervin, the other partner, had flown in from Chicago for the interviews to replace the bookkeeper.

“You can expect a thorough and detailed review of the books,” he told her, frowning sternly as he looked her over from head to toe. When the interview concluded, the owners held a short conference in the hall. They promptly returned to the booth where Joe waited sipping a Coke. The salary they were offering was substantially more than her wages at the bank. It took her only a moment of reflection to make the decision.

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monlcer down jackets Joe was surprised to find her new office at The Pub moncler outlet woodbury so tiny, yet, despite its resemblance to a broom closet, she was thrilled to have her own space. Even more pleasing was that her duties were similar to those she’d performed at the bank. There were stacks of cash to count, registers to balance and deposits moncler jackets to prepare.

Bob trained her on how to review vendor invoices and showed her how to make the payroll moncler outlet online checks using their pegboard system.

But the best part of the job was toiling in the delicious moncler outlet online store aroma of char grilled steaks, seasoned roasted potatoes and other mouth watering sides. Each moncler outlet ny day she moncler coats for men enjoyed a meal of her choosing; a perk nearly too good to be true.

moncler outlet sale The Pub’s office was starkly equipped with a vertical filing cabinet wedged tightly against the table that served as her desk. Wooden benches lined either side of the table, leaving room for little else. There were no windows through which to see the spectacular view of the Inter Coastal Waterway. Still, Joe loved the solitude. She was in the middle of writing out the payroll when Dick opened the door and made an abrupt announcement.

“What do you mean moncler chicago gone?” she asked, pen poised over the open checkbook register. It was moncler coats for cheap mid morning, about the time Bob normally arrived.

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