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Cheap Jerseys china “When individuals get crowbars and start prying open doors to loot, they’re not protesting. They’re not making a statement. They’re stealing,” he said. Get daily updates directly to your inbox+ SubscribeThank you for subscribing!AS a martial arts expert with more than 30 years experience, Pauline Walmsley has been in a few tough fights, but none of them was tougher than her recent battle against breast cancer.Five months after she was dealt a devastating blow and diagnosed with a tumour in her breast, this brave mother of four is back instructing her students at Kaizen Shotobudo karate club.Since the age of 18, the health improvement officer has lived and breathed martial arts, has trained up to four times a week and led a very healthy lifestyle. So no one was more shocked than Pauline when doctors made a worrying discovery during a routine screening.Like thousands of women over the age of 50 who are invited to attend a mammogram under the NHS Breast Screening programme, black belt Pauline was a little nervous.The 52 year old explained: “Some older relatives had been diagnosed before so I thought ‘I don’t fancy going for it’ but was determined to go.”Nobody likes going for a screening, it’s slightly uncomfortable, but it’s all over in seconds and it could be a life saving detection.”It was three weeks after her first mammogram that Pauline was called back for a second screening. Husband Kenneth, 56, nervously waited as his wife was taken in and told they’d detected “an area of suspicion” in her right breast.Pauline added: “I started to panic Cheap Jerseys china.

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