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The boy who asked, “Really?” could have gone to his parents

This photo shows her foot two hours after arriving in hospital, as doctors tracked the spread of her infection. (Supplied)”I can’t believe it’s still happening,” said Lisa Cefali, a Winnipeg salon client who once had a serious infection she believes she got during a pedicure.”These seem obvious things, especially the reusing of tools.”While the head of Manitoba’s public health inspections said that based on the number of complaints received, salons are doing well overall at protecting clients’ health, it’s unknown how many problems would be found if every one of Manitoba’s nearly 1,000 beauty establishments was inspected.Of the 1,086 inspections carried out in Ottawa in 2015, for example, one fifth found a deficiency the inspector considered “critical,” including instruments that weren’t properly disinfected or sterilized .The same report said an inspector discovered that disposables were being reused, and there was skin debris in the UV cabinet and on a handheld grinder. The inspection report also noted that “there was nobody on site that could prove they held licence for beautician work.”Not all the complaints were strictly about humans.

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