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Stop wearing your pajamas in public

The things you are daydreaming about are the things you really want. Moving away and starting a new life seems to be exactly what you need to do, regardless of who you are involved with. The side you are seeing of this guy is the real him. Each time I hit that new goal was such a great feeling, especially since i went back to work full time after 14 weeks. My son and I battled through reflux and my oversupply and extremely fast let down. At times I would cry bc I wasn sure if I was Breastfeeding him for his health or for my sense of pride.

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Personal attacks, racism, and hate speech will not be tolerated. Do not post hateful comments about artists, songs, or their fans. If you dislike a group, ignore threads about them. The next day I see pictures of them all hanging out at the local bar and having fun. I don think anything in my life has hurt me more than that and the sad thing is, I just used to it. I don even ask anymore.

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