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Shenfeld, chief economist of CIBC Capital Markets, said gains

So we’re working with advertisers of all types and sizes to help them reach our customer base and the goal of driving brand awareness, discovery and better purchase decisions by the customer.In other words, it is a fairly similar to Google (GOOG) (NASDAQ:GOOGL) and Facebook’s (FB) ad businesses.Amazon’s advertising business is not individually broken out, but it is understood that, by 2017, nearly all of the “Other” revenue line item consists of advertising revenue, along with co branded credit card agreements and other sources too small to disclose. As you can see from the chart above, advertising revenue has been growing faster than the overall business and becoming an increasingly significant part of Amazon.Investors who closely follow Amazon earnings calls will notice that advertising is gaining increasing attention from both management and analysts. For example, in the 4Q16 earnings call, only one analyst asked about the advertising business, and the CFO described it as being “very early in the advertising space.” By 4Q17, three analysts asked about advertising, and the CFO’s tone became much more positive, talking about advertising under the same breath as AWS:Advertising was also a key contributor as we’re continuing to make the offerings more valuable, both to customers and advertisers alike, and that was particularly strong in North America, although not in the North America segment.

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iPhone Cases What has become almost a seemingly monthly ritual in 2017, we are nudging up our call on Canadian GDP growth yet again to 3.1 per cent for the year and 2.5 per cent for Q3 and would readily allow that there is some upside risk. Shenfeld, chief economist of CIBC Capital Markets, said gains in incomes and a rise in the savings rate give Canadian consumers more room to spend during the third quarter. In July, the Bank of Canada rose its benchmark interest rate for the first time in seven years. iPhone Cases

iphone 8 plus case That means that the landlord is responsible for paying for taxes, insurance, roof, structure, parking lot, and in some cases, utilities.Also, gross leases generally have flat rents and annual expense reimbursements over an established base (determined by changes in the regional CPI plus 100% of any increases in real estate taxes over a base amount). In other words, these leases are much riskier than the standard “NNN” leases where the tenant is responsible for ALL property level costs.Like NNN Leases, Gross Leases are usually 10 20 years (base term) with extension of renewal options (5 15 years). However, many Government leases give the agency the right to terminate sometime during the latter term of the lease.That means that the tenant has the right to “walk away” from a lease for any reason at all that includes a government shutdown, closing of the post office, or just because the wind blows.Also, government leases offer little inflation protection since there is generally no reimbursement of operating expenses iphone 8 plus case.

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