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One way or another, someone has to miss the apocalyptic party

Badland is a 2013 indie IOS game made by Frogmind. The game has you control an unnamed creature as you drift through the 2D levels, each level corresponding to one day in the game’s storyline. This game includes a variety of power ups to help you in your goal, the most powerful of which is the ability to create clones of your creature to effectively have back up lives. There are also pre existing clones in some points of the level, which can be rescued by your character.

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Celine Luggage Tote Replica Mages don’t seem to have one that fits this motif, but the Elementalist might be this magic style, not using any advanced magics but rather more simple magic types, or the Battle Mage, who has to use magic but forgoes many spells for a focus on using their weapon. Baleful Polymorph: The Witch’s Devolution Flyswatter can turn defeated enemies into Goblins, giant Tau Beasts, or the ever annoying Hunters. However, these transformed creatures will fight for you, except for the Hunter, who immediately targets you. Celine Luggage Tote Replica

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