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Noodle Incident: Scott Raynor’s departure from the band

Although he seems happier and less revenge driven, he seems set on continuing to fight bands of pirates like Fender’s gang and protecting normal people. Camera Abuse: The camera gets some sand, dirt, and blood sent its way. Card Carrying Villain: Fender is a cruel sadist who loves misery, death, and destruction and doesn’t mind admitting it either. Cat Fight: At two different points Nady goes one on one with female pirates. Combat Pragmatist: Utilizing concealed weapons, sneaking up on victims, and shooting knife wielding opponents are all specialties of Gibson .

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Celine Outlet The Dogs Eating Dogs EP goes like this: Neighborhoods styled song, old school ish blink song, (practically) an AVA song about the Zombie Apocalypse, a folk song, and another Neighborhoods song with rap guest vocals at the end. People who weren’t pleased with the direction blink has been going still aren’t pleased now, but otherwise, the reception has been refreshingly positive. Noodle Incident: Scott Raynor’s departure from the band. Tom and Mark refuse to talk about it at all, nor has Scott. Celine Outlet

Celine Luggage Tote Replica Here’s one to wrap your head around. The garage band parody Brainkrieg (of the spinoff series Teen Girl Squad, which is a comic drawn and voiced by Strong Bad in universe) originated as a one off joke in the Strong Bad E mails (much like TGS; actually, pretty much like every spin off on the site; Sbemails themselves can arguably be called a spin off feature from the main cartoons), which was a comment on words starting with “D E” that do not belong in death metal (cut to the Battle of the Crappy High School bands, a reference to a previous TGS episode, where Brainkrieg shouts words like “Dentist!” and “Deli style!” along with their future catchphrase “Jugga jigga wugga”). Flash forward a bit, and Brainkrieg is featured in two TGS style “music videos”, both holiday related (“If I Don’t Get Videogames (For Decemberween)” and “Decomposing Pumpkins”), with actual musical backing as opposed to a few shouted lines Celine Luggage Tote Replica.


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