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In a single animated movie or feature

Shows often intentionally invoke this for certain episodes. Most often, the pilot, or, if there’s no pilot, first few episodes of a show, is usually somewhat better animated than the rest of the series, as the goal is to impress the audience or those who would make the show succeed. The same goes for made for TV movies or multi part episodes. In a single animated movie or feature, climactic or dynamic scenes might be slightly better animated as well. On the other hand, this may also occur if the producers/animators are uncertain about a show’s reception. They don’t want to invest too much time and money if it’s not going to be a success, so they may restrict the budget until the show finds an audience. The money factor becomes even more apparent when you realize that it’s not cheap making a full fledged cartoon. In the US, going rates for an average cartoon is an episode. Yes, it sounds like a lot less, but do you have a couple hundred thousand dollars lying around somewhere? Some pilot episodes can cost up to a million USD simply because of animation bumping, and if they have a limited budget (anywhere between 10 and 20 million dollars a season), it’s obvious that sacrifices would have to be made.

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