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Fog of War: The entire battlemap is always visible

If a work was meant to be a one shot story and they have to expand the universe to make a sequel, they effectively have to weld new kingdoms and landmasses onto the world adding backstory never even hinted at in the first book. And if you look close enough, you can see the seams . However, a good series will retcon these cleanly, tying back to the original material, so that we don’t notice or care. An even better series will have hinted at them in the first book, either to allow for this possibility, or just to satiate the creator’s sheer pleasure in world building Cheap Celine Handbags.

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Cheap Celine Bags Now a small Viking village is at war with the most feared warrior race in the galaxy. When the Doctor asks for a show of hands of those who have held a sword in battle, Clara raises her hand. This references an unseen adventure, and seems to catch the Doctor off guard. (Oddly, when the time comes to train the villagers, Clara doesn’t appear to get involved.) Action Prologue: We start the episode on the tail end of another exciting adventure. Affectionate Gesture to the Head: For the first time on screen, Clara expresses affection for the Doctor by stroking his cheek. This is in clear contrast to the previous season when she actually slapped him or threatened to slap him several times, and was one of several things introduced in Series 9 to illustrate the evolution of their relationship. Afraid of Blood: One of the villagers faints at the sight, or even the mention, of blood. The Ageless: Ashildr, thanks to the Mire medkit the Doctor reprogrammed, will never die of old age because the medkit will continuously repair her. Anguished Declaration of Love: In the midst of bemoaning the loss of Ashildr and his impotence to stop losing people, the Doctor actually directly makes one towards Clara, though she doesn’t appear to notice:The Doctor: Look at you, with your eyes, and your never giving up, and your anger, and your kindness. One day, the memory of that will hurt so much that I won’t be able to breathe, and I’ll do what I always do. I’ll get in my box and I’ll run and I’ll run, in case all the pain ever catches up. And every place I go, it will be there. Cheap Celine Bags

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