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Averted immediately afterwards when Swampthing insults

One Word Title Only Known by Their Nickname: Brain, the Pin, and presumably Tug. Pay Phone: Averts the usual trope in which the protagonist walks by a mysteriously ringing phone, as Brendan answers phone calls at pay phones more often than he makes them. This appears to be idiosyncratic to him, as everyone else appears to have cell phones. Other characters use the pay phones so confidential calls won’t show up on their phone bills. Police Are Useless: Averted. Brendan is keeping things quiet not because he doesn’t think the police can catch Emily’s killer, but because he wants to find “who put her in front of the gun .” Towards the end he makes it pretty clear that the cops could have easily found the perpetrator, Tug, and he plans to use them to roust the drug ring.

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