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Ever since we got the lift off signal in January of 2013

You are there to represent the people and generally what people want is to be happy. People are happy when they have money and tend to vote for things that might make them more money or give them the effect of what money can buy. So, an example here for the US, is healthcare.

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Tankini Swimwear So here we are nearly 5 years later and Semi Fab spending for 2017 has been robust and is projected the same for 2018. I’d tend to dismiss these projections as trend following happy talk as I would the average economist’s projections, but in this case, SEMI is charged with being accurate for industry users, not with running promotions upon we financial sphere types looking for macro signals. Ever since we got the lift off signal in January of 2013, I’ve watched closely to see if the rosy projections might be hype and all along they’ve been borne out. Tankini Swimwear

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