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Lawson, the owner of a car and motor manufacturing company,

“The Yodeling Veterinarian of the Alps” (The End of Silliness?) Written by Mike Nawrocki Larry introduces this Silly Song after getting his Silly Songs with Larry segment back following a petition. Narrated in song by a barbershop quartet (consisting of the Scallions and Frankencelery), Larry is portrayed as a veterinarian who believes he is able to cure sick pets simply by yodeling to them. Meanwhile, his nurse (Pa Grape) is slipping prescriptions to the pets’ owners behind his back.

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The Commander of the Naval Forces of the Royal Netherlands Navy in the Caribbean (CZMCARIB) is also the commander of DCCG.[2]Ministries from the 4 parts of the kingdom determine the policy of the Coast Guard. To streamline policy formulation the Coast Guard’s Commission has been formed. This committee consists of officials from different ministries.

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