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I can leave it running all day and all night and the next

So you just moved to Austin. Welcome. Or maybe you moved here six years ago and just don’t get out very much? Hey, we’re not judging. All told, Pennsylvania’s 253 full time lawmakers who earn base salaries of $84,012 charged taxpayers for at least 73,890 expenses worth $13.8 million in 2013, The Morning Call found. The newspaper’s investigation of the 2013 expenses, the last year for which complete records are available, was conducted through right to know requests filed with the chief clerks’ offices of the House and Senate and by culling public contracts from the Treasury Department’s website. The newspaper built a searchable database of the expenses, the only source that provides the public with every expense of every Pennsylvania legislator..

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iPhone Cases Edit: I genuinely meant “come to the table” when I wrote “cooperating,” but cooperating carries with it a connotation that the Right will just roll over and let whatever change the Left asks for happen, which isn going to happen even in the most progressive of outlook, and frankly it shouldn happen, IMO. But as many have been saying regarding these walkouts by young people (and future voters): either the Right needs to be part of the “how do we fix gun violence” conversation, or the outcome will be so slanted Left that the Right will hate it even more. And that not good. iPhone Cases

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