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The group’s survey of 85,000 gas stations, by far the broadest

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wholesale nfl jerseys A lot of women opt to wear skirts with leggings and boots. Sensual dressing has also become quite prominent in the music videos of this dance form. Women can even opt for shorts. The latest reading from the motorist group Tuesday showed the nationwide average for a gallon of regular unleaded hit $3.209 a gallon, up from $3.196 on Monday. The group’s survey of 85,000 gas stations, by far the broadest sampling of gas prices, has been showing a series of record high prices starting May 13.Two different surveys found record high pump prices once again.In Tuesday’s reading, New Hampshire and South Carolina joined most of the rest of the nation above the $3 a gallon benchmark for the first time.New Hampshire’s average price crept up to $3.005, up from $2.99 Monday, while South Carolina rose to $3.007 from $2.991.New Jersey, with an average price of $2.947, is also creeping toward that threshold, as it rose almost a penny from $2.938 on Monday. Ironically, New Jersey is one of only two states along with Oregon where the law mandates full service at every pump.Illinois moved ahead of California for the dubious distinction of the state with the most expensive average price, as the price reading there rose to $3.481 from $3.457, while California’s average price slipped slightly to $3.449 from $3.454 on Monday wholesale nfl jerseys.

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