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This version involves a “pitch”

The message to headmistresses and their governors was to fight back and to spend. GSA conferences in the Eighties reflected their era: they became residential in big conference hotels; they lasted three days; delegates had outfits; shoulders had pads; secretaries of state attended; more headmistresses were married women with families (one remarkable lady seemed to have a new baby to nurse for every second conference). We were urged to take management training, provide role models and teach our girls to smash glass ceilings..

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The Prince was being received like a hero (not least because of the 500,000 he gave to help struggling farmers). There was no danger. The stone faced men stood nose to nose, hands behind their backs, eyes on the crowd. Kemari, the Japanese version of “Soccer”, is perhaps one of the most different forms of the sport, in comparison to modern soccer. Kemari was a game of “Keep it up”, much like modern hacky sacks, although used with a larger ball that was stuffed with saw dust. This version involves a “pitch”, or the field, designated by the selection of four trees, the cherry, maple, pine and willow.

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