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My head looked as if someone took a cheese grater to it but I

Post surgery was pretty funny. My head looked as if someone took a cheese grater to it but I was able to get a sense of what my head would look like with hair again. I experienced NO PAIN at all. 7 points submitted 5 months agoYes, the opening for the vagina is in roughly the same location it is on people born with vaginas. Depth and the source of the tissue for the vaginal wall itself depend on the method used:with the penile inversion technique, skin from the penis is used to create the canal; depth depends on the dimensions of the penis.with the sigmoid technique (not widely practiced due to the smell), a section of the sigmoid colon is used.with the Suporn/Chonburi technique, the vaginal wall uses skin from the scrotum as well as the groin if necessary; depth is slightly shorter than that of a natal vagina as far as I can tell.peritoneum vaginoplasty (details w/ non trans patients) uses tissue from the pouch that encircles the abdomen.fuzzybadLVL:44 F HRT:03/16 SRS:02/18 2 points submitted 5 months agoAsk your surgeon where you should remove the hair. Mine (McGinn) said the most important area to clear is the base of the shaft, the scrotum and perineum are secondary.

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