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Walk your hands out to a plank so that your hands are directly

July 4, 2000 It’s bikini season. Thousands are surging to the beaches, cottage cheese thighs gleaming in the sun. There’s only one word for that dimply skin, and it’s cellulite an ages old, international scourge. You can call them the hipsters, the millennials, the crazy ones, the ex consultants, the immigrants but the Quarter Life Crisis (QLC) team has found a problem they want to solve, and yes, you got it right, they want to help people overcome their quarter life crisis by giving them an option to try out new roles and jobs part time without having to quit their current jobs. These professionals usually don’t have the right networks to get into the industry that they want to go into or the skillset that they want to build or social venture they want to get involved in. Fei shared with me articles with headlines like, “Why Generation Y Yuppies Are Unhappy”, and “Why Are Harvard Grads Still Flocking to Wall Street?” to help articulate the problem they’re trying to solve.

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