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Let the glue dry, then nail the modified cap to the top of the

The fog is technically superior to the Biogon 21 /. In 1958, the Lens Super Angulon 21/4 was the largest wide angle lens produced by Schneider. The lens is a 9 lens. In fact the obsession to be thin has spawned a whole new genre of reality TV shows.Narration: After trying everything to lose weight, Adro Sarnelli, in desperation, resorted to the reality TV show “The Biggest Loser”.Maryanne Demasi: So how much did you weigh at this point?Adro Sarnelli: This was at the beginning of the show so I was about 136 kilos.Maryanne Demasi: And then how much weight did you lose?Adro Sarnelli: During the course of the show I actually lost 52 Prada Replica.3 kilos and finished up the show at 85 kilos.Maryanne Demasi: Wow, that’s an amazingweight loss.Adro Sarnelli: It’s not easy, it wasn’t easy, and you know there’s no such thing as a free lunch.Narration: Adro was successful, but for many others the message about achieving weight loss through regular exercise and healthy eating is clearly not getting through.That’s why people are turning to diet pills but according to Prof Boyd Swinburn, most of them have side effects.Professor Boyd Swinburn: For example, blocking fat absorption, that has a bit of a problem of diarrhoea and fatty stools if too much fat is eaten.A lot of other drugs that try to affect appetite, of course, have to affect the brain, and once you start playing around with chemicals in the brain then there’s a lot of side effects, as well.Maryanne Demasi: Researchers from around the world are exploring new ways to eliminate these side effects. One group in Melbourne is trialling a new drug based on the human growth hormone.Narration: It’s one in a new revolution of drugs that actually “burns fat”.As a weight loss drug, a large part of the human growth hormone has unwanted side effects in adults.But, by removing most it, they’re left with the part of the hormone that burns fat and this is what they harness into a pill.Dr. Roland Scollay: What the drug does is to bind directly to the surface of the fat cells and alter the way they metabolise fat when you put an energy demand on your body..

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