The Blog

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August 2013

August 29, 2013 by I am not a particularly prolific composer, and have always been a little sensitive about it. The sensitivity started in college. In high school I spewed forth inept sonatas and chamber pieces by the ream with a frightening incapacity for self criticism, and I swept into Oberlin with guns a blazing. But my undergraduate composition cheap air jordan teacher was intimidating and unsympathetic, and cheap yeezys after a few months with him I found myself too petrified to compose anything. It took me many years to fully overcome the sense of insecurity that took root in me under [Read more.]Yahoo = SatanAugust 25, 2013 by My web site is down at the moment. I was informed by cheap nike shoes Hostmonster, where I keep it, that my domain registration was going to expire. My domain was held by Melbourne IT. Melbourne IT informed me that they had sold it to Yahoo. Yahoo’s customer support is undoubtedly the absolute worst in the history of the internet. I keep circling through their website, and being told that I need to go to my cheap jordan sneakers “Business Control Panel,” and the link to that instead takes me back to the beginning and tries to sell me a domain name. I’ve tried everything. ambassador to the UN. I had to write a statement for their catalogue, which will be translated into German. Since it won’t appear in English, since the tenth anniversary has inspired me to think more about potential cheap jordans china purposes for this blog, and since cheap jordans for sale I have to expand it into a fuller paper, I thought I’d run it up the flagpole here [Read more.]August 20, 2013 by The new music blogosphere seems to have exploded into existence in the summer of 2003, judging from the number of such blogs celebrating their tenth anniversaries lately. Although I wrote a couple of entries beforehand, I saved the official unveiling of my blog for August 29, 2003 without even reflecting, as I recall, that it was the 51st anniversary of the cheap adidas premiere of 4’33″ (and of course not knowing that it would become the anniversary of Hurricane Katrina). cheap jordans online I also, inexplicably, failed to check the prevailing astrological transits, whose [Read more.]August 19, 2013 by cheap air force During the Civil War, Joseph Twichell, future father in law of Charles Ives,worked as a Congregational chaplain in the Union Army next to a Jesuit priest named Joseph O’Hagan, with whom he became lifelong close friends. After the 1862 Battle of Fredericksburg, the two exhausted themselves helping the wounded, and then slept cheap jordans shoes huddled together beneath blankets against the December cold. O’Hagan laughed, and, when Twichell asked him what was cheap jordans in china funny, replied, “The scene of you and me me, a Jesuit priest, and you, a Puritan minister of the worst [Read more.]For Musicians with BrainsAugust 19, 2013 by My good pianist friend Lois Svard, with whom I used to teach at Bucknell and for Cheap jordans whom I wrote my Desert Sonata, got interested in her cheap jordans free shipping last years at Bucknell in neurological aspects of creativity and taught classes in it every year. She’s done creativity workshops for corporations, too. And now she’s started a blog on the subject called The Musician’s Brain. I look forward cheap jordans from china to it. [Read more.]Following Perfect LivesAugust 18, 2013 by The past two days have cheap jordans on sale been among the most remarkable I’ve had in years. John Luther Adams and his wife Cindy came up from the city to visit, composers Robert Carl cheap Air max shoes and Ken Steen came from Hartford to attend some of the Bard festival, and we all spent part of yesterday attending the performances of Robert Ashley’s Perfect Lives by the New York group Varispeed, which took place in various spots west of Woodstock. Here are Robert, Ken, Cindy, and John (wearing my new hat) on my deck:(You can click on these photos and they’ll open in better [Read more.]A Musicological Detour into TheologyAugust 11, 2013 by I had not planned to get into Charles Ives’s actual religious beliefs, but I find that I can’t fully dissect his Emerson essay without addressing them. Four times in Essays Before a Sonata Ives refers approvingly to “Dr. Bushnell.” This is Horace Bushnell (1802 1876), a Congregationalist minister whose sermons were widely read in the 19th century, and who is sometimes described as having caused a revolution in liberal Christianity. He preached in Hartford from 1833 to 1859. Like the Transcendentalists, he rebelled against his Calvinist [Read more.]A Louisiana VoiceAugust 6, 2013 by My family origins are humble. My Texas grandfather Frank Gann was a cotton farmer, my Louisiana grandfather William Henry Harris a bank robber or so claimed Grandmother, who threw him out and we never heard from him again. My favorite uncle Irvin was a greyhound racer and drive in restaurant manager (Prince of Hamburgers, Lemmon Ave., Dallas), my sainted aunt Rita spent her career as cashier at Jay’s Cafeteria. My dad, who parlayed his GI Bill financed SMU degree into an accounting job at Mobil Oil, was the family success story. But my [Read more.].

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